Asklepeon Foundation

Mission Statement

The Asklepeon Foundation works to improve the quality of life of residents in care by promoting a distilled range of proven environmental, nutritional & lifestyle interventions that maximise their physical and mental health & wellbeing.

Syncretising historical Eastern & Western holistic approaches to health with the latest modern scientific developments and research—and encouraging a culture of experimentation and collaboration across care providers—its findings are published as an open standard, free for all to derive benefit from, and worked into cost-effective, easily implementable solutions that are continuously improved, updated & evolved.

The foundation further works to disseminate high quality practical health education to the public and especially future generations, specifically tailored to addressing modern widespread chronic health issues.

The first published standard is expected to be released in early 2025.

Foundation Summary


It is well understood that we share a symbiotic relationship with our environments, which have the power to shape and influence the way we think, feel, and behave–knowledge of which is exploited well by the retail sector in designing spaces that compel us to spend money. Affording the same level of attention to care environments can lead to the creation of lived spaces that are as conducive as possible to the physical and mental wellbeing of their residents.

The standard makes practical recommendations for lighting, colour, sound, air quality, atmospherics, interior design and space utilisation.


Gut microbiota play a key role in maintaining not just physical health and immunity but also mental wellbeing and the prevention of cerebral & neural deterioration. Countless cultures throughout history have understood well the degree to which diet impacts the human body and its role in healing; knowledge of which has gone on to inform clinically effective traditional systems of medicine the world over. Somewhat strangely, modern Western science is only now beginning to understand—or rather rediscover—the efficacy of using diet as both preventative and curative medicine.

The standard provides a theoretical framework to help kitchen departments maximise the medicinal efficacy of their meal offerings, as well as providing elementary meal plans for use and inspiration.


Lifestyles in care homes are often solitary, sedentary and monotonous, having a detrimental effect upon resident wellbeing and leading to accelerated physiological and cognitive decline. Due to lack of movement and poor anatomical form, the body becomes stiff and slowly ceases its proper functioning, leading to a downward spiral of various health complications and impaired quality of life. Through lack of mental stimulation and social connection, cognition similarly diminishes. This should not be accepted as a natural part of the ageing process as is often done in the West, with many issues being preventable.

The standard suggests simple interventions to encourage movement and proper functioning of key anatomical areas, including a bespoke dance routine and exercise programme.

It further includes pragmatic ideas to stimulate, entertain and increase a sense of community, connection & belonging.

Care Staff

Carers are the linchpin of the homes in which they work and their wellbeing is essential in order to provide high quality care, as well as in making the home environment a pleasant and happy one for residents. The care industry in the UK is currently highly strained with ubiquitous staff shortages due to low pay, poor working conditions and lack of career progression—making it an unattractive career prospect for the majority of people.

The Asklepeon Foundation works to improve working conditions, career progression, training, support, renumeration, benefits and workplace culture.